• Local Tour Day

    An annual spring one-day tour for Carol, Concert, and Chamber choirs, this tour includes singing at schools, retirement communities, and local ministries with the purpose of serving the local community, increasing confidence in singing, and broadening awareness about MCCL.

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  • Summer Tour

    A multi-day tour in mid-June for Concert and Chamber choirs, this tour promotes a sense of community within the performing choirs as well as the broader church. Educational components include a choral master class and local attractions. Tour also provides an opportunity to share the outcome of the choir year, often in communities where there is no children’s choir. Fee for this tour is not included in tuition.

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  • International Tour

    An approximately two week tour every three years for Chamber Choir, MCCL partners with Eastern Mennonite Missions (EMM) for an international choral mission trip. Destinations in the past have included the Balkans, Germany, and Indonesia. Fee for this tour is not included in tuition.

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  • Do-Re-Mi-Dollars Rehearsal Marathon

    Do-Re-Mi-Dollars Rehearsal Marathon

    An annual spring event, the singing marathon includes singing, intensive choral training, guest clinicians, and vocal music challenges.

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  • Fundraisers

    MCCL has two annual fundraisers: Jar Fundraiser (fall) and Do-Re-Mi-Dollars Fundraiser (spring). Fundraisers help offset the difference between tuition and the actual cost of the program. Singers are required to participate in the two fundraisers or pay an opt-out fee. In addition, optional smaller tour-specific fundraisers are sometimes offered.

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  • Rehearsal Retreats

    Each semester, Carol, Concert, and Chamber choirs have a several hour long retreat to provide intensive music learning and build community.

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  • Guest Artist Rehearsals and Workshops

    Each fall, the guest artist who accompanies the choir in the Christmas Concert Series provides a short workshop and interacts with the singers during several rehearsals.

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  • Music in the Parks

    A choral festival held every three years at various locations throughout the United States, Hershey Park is the nearest location for MCCL. Concert Choir participates in this festival that provides a year-end assessment for choirs by an outside panel of experienced master teachers and reinforces vocal skills practiced throughout the year. Singers enjoy rides at Hershey Park after their performance and end the day at an awards ceremony. Fee for this event is not included in tuition.

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  • Men's Choral Festival

    Men’s Choral Festival

    Every three years, Men’s Ensemble joins approximately five other Men’s choral groups from Lancaster County for two days of singing and a concert.

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  • Benefit Concerts and Community Events

    Benefit Concerts and Community Events

    Performing choirs occasionally participate in benefit concerts which have included Mennonite Central Committee, Center for Community Peacemaking (now Advoz), Friendship Community, and Eastern Mennonite Missions. They have sung in community events including Barnstormers games, local and regional concert series, Music for Everyone Festival of Voices, Lancaster County Council of Churches, children’s chorus festivals, Mennonite World Conference, and the spontaneous singing of Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus.

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  • Music and More Summer Camp

    Each June, MCCL host a one to three day summer camp for singers in kindergarten through grade 5. Drama, singing, art, cooking, nature, and STEM are included. Current singers are encouraged to invite a friend. 

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