We are excited to announce the launch of Sustained Notes, a giving initiative dedicated to ensuring the long-term sustainability of the mission of MCCL.  As a member of Sustained Notes, your annual contribution over the next three years will specifically aid in improving staffing, creating specialized small-group music classes for our singers, and extending our outreach to engage with more young individuals who can benefit from the joys of choral singing.

Below is a collection of stories from singers and alumni sharing the current and long term impact of being a part of MCCL, along with more information about Sustained Notes. Please prayerfully consider how you might like to sustain the future of MCCL and the impact we can  make together in the lives of singers. Someone from our team will follow up with you in the next month to answer questions and invite you to join us. 

Will you join us? We warmly invite you to support us through a heartfelt contribution. Any amount you feel inspired to give will make a meaningful difference. This would be for a three year commitment.

Please complete this response form to indicate your level of interest and to ask any questions. Thank you for your support  of MCCL current and future singers.