Jannat Veras, newly appointed to the Advisory Board of the Mennonite Children’s Choir of Lancaster, brings a range of expertise from serving on boards for Everence Financial Credit Union, Assets, Lancaster Health Services, and the Atlantic Coast [Mennonite] Conference Executive Committee. Veras, as owner and operator of Jannat Beauty Design, brings business experience as well.
Veras’s roots stretch deeper than Lancaster County, however. Born in the Dominican Republic, she came to the United States when she was 17 years old. Veras and her husband Francisco Veras, also from the DR, now have four children, three children whom sing in MCCL.
Commenting on her desire to serve on the MCCL Advisory Board, Veras said “I love music that inspires others and takes you to the Lord’s face.” Veras is actively involved at Laurel Street Mennonite Church in Lancaster City.
The mission of MCCL is “training children and youth to glorify Jesus Christ through excellent choral singing.” This program of Lancaster Mennonite School is open to the community. For more information, visit www.mennonitechildrenschoir.org.
MCCL is currently accepting auditions and registrations for performing choirs and classes. Prospective singers interested in the performing choirs (grades 2 – 12) should schedule a 15-minute audition time slot with Sarah Wingard at 540-383-9986 or carolandconcertchoir@lancastermennonite.org. Registration for the Prelude Music (kindergarten and grade 1) or the Choristers classes (grades 2 – 8) does not require an audition and can be completed through the MCCL website.