
Concert Choir Summer Tour 2024 to Philadelphia

Day # 1 – Concert Choir met at 6:30 a.m. to travel to Philadelphia. They toured Tindley Temple and learned about the Charles Tindley, pastor and hymn writer, and Marian Anderson, African American opera and Gospel…

Chamber Choir Summer Tour 2024 to NYC

The Chamber Choir Summer Tour to New York City had packed days of seeing and experiencing new things, laughter, flexibility with unexpected schedule adjustments, strengthening community and friendships! Friday’s bus ride included getting-to-know-each-other games, singing, and quiet…

MCCL GO! Czech Benefit Concert

Join us on a musical journey to Central Europe! MCCL is hosting a benefit concert on Sunday, March 13 at 4 p.m. at Stumptown Mennonite Church featuring music from the Czech Republic and the Moravian Church.…

New York City: Chamber Choir Tour

Day #1: We had a wonderful drive into Manhattan where we got to see the NYC skyline, the Freedom tower and 911 memorial. At the Bowery mission Pastor Jason told us about the history of one…

New England: Concert Choir Tour

Concert Choir launched their summer tour with a masterclass taught by acclaimed children’s choir expert, Dr. Tom Shelton of Westminster Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey. Dr. Shelton’s encouraging feedback fueled a musically rich series of…