Unexpected Songs in Uncertain Times
MCCL singers and staff kept singing throughout spring 2020 with creativity, commitment, and resourcefulness. Music staff adapted to providing high caliber choral instruction through technology from a distance. Singers invested time and energy in new ways of learning choral music in hopes of sharing concerts with the community in person sometime this spring. Although sharing music face to face was not possible, we pray our unexpected songs this week during uncertain times blessed you.
Our hope is that MCCL will keep singing with all of our current choirs and classes in 2020-2021. However, the shape of what the MCCL program may be, depending on finances and recommendations from the broader national and international choral community, is currently unclear. Artistic director, Rosemary Blessing, is regularly attending choral based webinars on how choirs can innovatively and enthusiastically move forward. MCCL will continue to offer excellent choral music training, learn songs from around the world and across time, as well as diligently create space for all MCCL singers to grow in confidence, teamwork, and faith. Currently, we need to make up this year’s income shortfall and strengthen our reserve funds to sustain the MCCL program as we weather the uncertainties of what choral singing may look like in the fall.
Will you join us today with a gift to help MCCL keep singing? Thank you! www.mennonitechildrenschoir.orgate/donate
MCCL Year End Newsletter 20… by Maria Bowman on Scribd