Recognizing more than ever the importance of music, community, and faith, the Mennonite Children’s Choir of Lancaster is pleased to announce an informational session and conversation about our fall choral training plans. Join us on Tuesday, August 4 from 7-7:30 p.m. to learn about MCCL’s re-envisioned fall semester. This info session is for both returning and new MCCL singers and parents, so please share the meeting details with any young person eager to engage with others and experience excellent music training.
Email for meeting link.
Q: What do body percussion, vocal coaching, African drumming, Randall Goodgame (Slugs & Bugs), and a choir project with Andrew Peterson (composer of Is He Worthy? from Christmas 2019) have in common?
A: Each of these, and much more, will be part of MCCL’s innovative fall semester, re-envisioned with COVID-19 safety in mind. We are excited to continue growing as musicians together!